object AboutBox: TAboutBox Left = 243 Top = 108 ActiveControl = OKButton BorderStyle = bsDialog Caption = 'About' ClientHeight = 218 ClientWidth = 298 Font.Color = clWindowText Font.Height = -13 Font.Name = 'System' Font.Style = [] PixelsPerInch = 96 Position = poScreenCenter TextHeight = 16 object Panel1: TPanel Left = 10 Top = 8 Width = 281 Height = 161 BevelOuter = bvLowered TabOrder = 0 object ProgramIcon: TImage Left = 6 Top = 4 Width = 87 Height = 83 Picture.Data = {} Stretch = True IsControl = True end object ProductName: TLabel Left = 110 Top = 18 Width = 150 Height = 16 Caption = 'TDBLookupComboPlus' Font.Color = clBlack Font.Height = -16 Font.Name = 'System' Font.Style = [fsBold] ParentFont = False IsControl = True end object Version: TLabel Left = 110 Top = 40 Width = 74 Height = 16 Caption = 'Version 2.0' IsControl = True end object Copyright: TLabel Left = 23 Top = 87 Width = 242 Height = 16 Caption = 'Copyright by Out && About Productions' IsControl = True end object Comments: TLabel Left = 23 Top = 109 Width = 242 Height = 48 Caption = 'Any questions regarding this product can be directed to Alec Ber' + 'gamini at CIS 75664,1224.' WordWrap = True IsControl = True end end object OKButton: TBitBtn Left = 120 Top = 178 Width = 65 Height = 33 TabOrder = 1 Kind = bkOK IsControl = True end end